Online Video for Big Brands

I have been keeping this information in for a while now, but I have decided that, well, I can’t do it by myself. The hope is that by sharing this idea on the web, people will realize the real potential of their online presence.

My primary focus is the YouTube Partners. I have two friends that are YouTube partners, and while I do not claim to know all of the details of the agreements to become a Partner with YouTube, I do believe they should be able to make more money.

As far as I can tell, YouTube allows content creators to make money via an AdSense Account (Google). Basically they make money ( pennies on the view) by having high views. I am not entirely sure how subscribers plays into it, but content creators on YouTube regularly encourage viewers to subscribe. My guess is that this would be a good way to maintain consistent views.

My experience with AdSense has been that typically 10,000 impressions will generate a dollar, and clicks generate more money. I have to applaud Google for being the first to take a step to appreciate the users who create the content that keeps their website busy.

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WordPress Installation 101

WordPress Technician

I decided to a few posts sharing the easy way to download and install WordPress blogging / CMS Open Source Platform.

WordPress is my choice because I have been using WordPress for several years now, after having tried many of the other platforms available. As a developer, I have found the learning curve for new users is very low. The back end interface is very intuitive, and the popularity of WordPress, makes finding self-help tutorials online relatively easy. If you are willing to learn some HTML and PHP, you can easily learn how to customize your own WordPress installation.

I am not going to elaborate on the server requirements for the platform, I am going to start from the point where you have already set up your own hosting account and have verified that WordPress can be installed. This tutorial will cover a manual installation of WordPress. Although many hosting providers provide a single click installation, if you decide to install it yourself, you can follow along.

I use HostGator for hosting, and the account includes a CPanel interface for backend functions. If you have not done so already, you will have to create a new database. Then create an admin user and password, and have this information handy as you will need it for the installation. When creating the user for the database, I would suggest letting the random password generator create the password for this user, as it is typically more secure.

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HTC One X Continuous Shutter Feature Reviewed by Zedomax

This new phone is awesome. @Zedomax does a great demo of the continuous shutter feature on the new HTC- one x .


Video Content On Line Is The Next Ad Destination

I just caught this article called 60 Seconds of Social Media by Shawn Amos. The Huffington Post writer has let us know that the Big Online Ad Platforms, Yahoo, Hulu, are making a play for television advertising dollars.

I have seen this coming for a long time. YouTube has the best start for building online video content by paying the content creators. Brilliant. Great Read. There is also a video to pay attention to.

Watch 60 Seconds of Social Media

Watch “Girl Slips into Buried Sinkhole While Talking on Her Phone”

I have to disagree with this instance being about people not paying attention. The reports and posts I read all made it sound like the sinkhole was already there. They neglect to inform readers that the sinkhole had been newly repaired. Obviously the construction was not obviously marked to deter anyone even if they are paying attention. IMO. There are some funny cases of actual text incidents. I have to say I love the cushions on the poles!

Watch “In The Studio with John Zimmer”

What I found most interesting about this is how John Zimmer speaks to the hive mind or “collective” mind as he refers to it. Mr. Zimmer left Lehman Brothers despite being cultivated to this career path from childhood. He chose to listen to his inner conscience , and become an independent mind. His calling was obviously the greater good of bringing people together. It was great to hear about how many successful relationships came out of his ride sharing app Zimride(Ridesharing, carpooling and buses – Zimride).

Geo-Social Apps

Geo SocialSo I have been immensely curious about the geo-social app space. By Geo-social I mean apps similar to FourSquare, Check Ins, and the new kid on the block, “Highlight”.


Foursquare is cool. I believe it was one of the first to gain real social traction, via Facebook if I am not mistaken. The concept is simpe, via the app on your mobile device (Apple and Android), users can “check-in” at some location and broadcast it to their social network if they choose. There is also a community within Foursquare, that allows friends to view your activity. This app is not like Yelp, in that it is not really review driven, although location reviews do have some impact I would imagine.

Personally I don’t use Foursquare as a guide, more as a reference. I do allow reviews to influence me, but there would have to be an overwhelmingly amount of negative reviews to keep me from trying out a new merchant. I was attracted right away, and even when Facebook and G+ started including location options in your “feed”, I still rely on Foursquare for my geo tracking.

Check Ins

Check Ins are basically the social platform trying to edge out apps like Foursquare. It is seamless so you would expect that there would be an increased usage, however, many have remained faithful to the original apps.

While geo social is gaining popularity, with apps like Highlight (ios only so yours truly is out of the loop) that tell you who is around your geographic location based on your connected social platforms (i believe).

I am definitely interested in this new technology. I find it interesting, and a bit scary, to meet people online. Scary in that the stalker factor comes to mind, but I can imagine this is just a part of life. You can pick up a stalker just taking public transportation. As with any new technology, there are harmful and useful applications. The choice is up to you. I would imagine the privacy settings would allow you to be anonymous if you choose.

I do believe that connecting with real people and carrying that over to social is interesting. I find it more enriching to add people I actually know to my timeline.

Google Crawl Insight by Matt Cutts {video}

I enjoyed this video, as well as the insight into the google logic. Thanks Matt for the great information. B.